About me

“I don’t just want to be an MP, I want to be a Croydon MP.”

I grew up in south London and am proud to be raising my family here. My dad is a bus driver living in Croydon and my step-mother grew up on The Lindens in New Addington. I know what it’s like for people here facing hardship. I remember sleeping on the living room floor with my mum to avoid the damp and mould in our small flat. Moving to a decent council house gave us stability and dignity and changed my life.

Just like families across Croydon, my family has worked hard and has had to fight for our future. I am grateful to have been able to get a decent state school education, to make it to university and to now work for a leading public service broadcaster. Like the family I grew up in, I know that people across Croydon have hopes and aspirations for their kids, their community and this country.

I don’t just want to be an MP, I want to be a Croydon MP. This place has shaped and inspired me for most of my life. I remember the good shops, the night clubs, the purple slide at Water Palace. But Croydon is not just a place for memories, it is a place with a bright future. A future built on hope, aspiration and change - and I can’t wait to be a part of it.

My journey into politics

My family was always political, but we never really thought politics was for people like us. When I had just turned 18, my local MP invited a group of us to watch a debate in parliament. It was 2001 and Labour was rebuilding Britain. I remember me and my mum sitting in the gallery and seeing Oona King on the green benches. This was the first time I had seen a politician that looked like me. Seeing her gave me permission to believe that one day I too could have a place in politics.

Being elected as a local councillor and being a cabinet member for Merton council is one of the greatest privileges of my life and one I work everyday to earn.